
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My final post!!

< I made this in my first year!!
This week has been full blast!!! The year has gone by so  fast it feels like  a month or less... This is a sad day for the year sixes like me and  people returning like Madison my friend at Enrich. On Monday we have  our sharing night which shows what the kids have done over the year from each day, then at the end the year 6 leavers celebration!!! This is also the last day for one of the best teachers at Enrich Alana Findlay. Sadly she is moving to Australia at the end of December, we will miss you Alana!!!!!Today we cleaned everything off our computers and finished up our environment projects and passion time. At lunch Katie , Alana and Darryn surprised us with  some sausages and bread for lunch, they were delicious!!!! We also did a technology challenge, you had to make a spaceship out of the materials provided.  Today was so much fun I wish I still had lots more weeks to go!!!  I have been at Enrich  since 2009 if I could I would turn back time and relive it all over again but I have had the most amazing time  in the universe. Thankyou to Alana , Katie ,Darryn , Pania , Vanessa and for a short time Sarah!!! I will miss all you guys!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

 This week we played  human tic  tac toe. My team won 4-2. I was number 3 bands. Here is how to play.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hurricane sandy

Today at Enrich I did a workshop  about Hurricane Sandy.We watched a video about it then we shared our thoughts  with the help of some very special hats below.
Red: Feelings
White: Facts
Black: Problems
Yellow: Benifits
Green: Solutions
Blue : Thinking/wondering

We connected the hats with our thoughts about Hurricane Sandy.

Feelings :
Cold,hungry,scared,sad,hoplessness and nervous

No where to stay, power cuts,people looting and losing personal items.

Money from rich people,preparing before hand , first aid kit/survival kit.

Benifits: More prepared next time, shops charge more and get more because people need more, it could change the election... Go Mr Obama!

Those are just a quick brief of some of the hats .

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Today at Enrich Kendall and I put on the white primer paint which is  the paint that we are going to paint the mural  on for the hospital. We put on two coats of the  paint. Next week my mum will come in and hopefully be able to help us paint the actual mural on the white.   We also met a man called Grant who was a qualified sea shepherd. He talked to us about the whaling Japan did and how they were trying to stop it. They used lots of weapons to help. ( non hurting weapons) my personal favourite was the stinkbomb!!
The japan whalers harpoon the whale then pull it up the shute then shoot it till it dies... It was really sad. The Japan goverment say  they are doing it for reaserch but taking over 1000 whales for research! 1 word, LIERS!!! Australia are taking them to court about it . (Go the Auzzies) The date of the hearing is yet to be fixed.`

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Waihopai Planting!!!!!!!

Today we went down to Waihopai River to do some planting of well.... plants. When we got there the area was full of mud. We all paired up, I went with Katie, Then we were given instructions on how to plant it and we were off!!! Katie and I worked through our plants like trojans. What you had to do was dig a small hole in the ground (we had shovels), put in the plant. wrap a special sheet round the bottom  to keep the weeds away, the sheet has four holes so you must put a bamboo stick into each hole and push it into the ground.Then you put a plastic pocket round the bamboo sheilding the plant.  One thing you should not do is put the plant in the wettest, muddiest, deepest bit of mud you can find, its not bad for the plant its bad for you and you get covered in mud, (from personal experience). It was so much fun !!!!!  We planted around 250 plants in total. I hope in a few years we will be able to come and see the plants all grown and be able to say I helped with that.

Us getting instructions on how to plant a plant.

Here is Katie and I working on one of our plants below.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

 Today the wood for Kendall and my mural came in. If you havn't read my older post about my mural then...  Kendall and I got permission from the childrens ward of the hospital to paint and put a mural on the fence of the playground.The theme of the mural is a teddy bears hospial. The picture up the top is my idea.The artist helping us to paint it is none other than my own mother Helena Vincent.  ( The picture above is sideways .)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Music video / mural project

This week I have been working on finishing my music video for my song (which I changed the name of to Starting over again) that I wrote. Next week  I hopefully will be able to cut it all together and the week after maybe even make a cd cover for the single!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited but the only bad thing is I am too late to enter for the MADE awards.
change of conversation.......
 This week for my mural project Kendall and I are working on our costs for paint and other things we willl need. If you didnt know we got permission from the hospital to paint a mural out on the fence of the childrens playground. The mural idea is a teddy bears hospital I have made a plan and have lots of great ideas to go with it.